7 Results
Keyword: Green Dot®
Datasheet Company Name Description
Blue Dot® C36000 Chase Brass and Copper Company, LLC Copper - Wrought - Leaded Brass
Blue Dot® C37700 Chase Brass and Copper Company, LLC Copper - Wrought - Leaded Brass
Blue Dot® C34500 Chase Brass and Copper Company, LLC Copper - Wrought - Leaded Brass
Blue Dot® C35000 Chase Brass and Copper Company, LLC Copper - Wrought - Leaded Brass
Blue Dot® C35300 Chase Brass and Copper Company, LLC Copper - Wrought - Leaded Brass
Green Dot® C69300 Chase Brass and Copper Company, LLC Copper - Wrought - Other Cu-Zn Alloys
Green Dot® C87850 Chase Brass and Copper Company, LLC Copper - Cast - Silicon Brass